If you’re like me, you occasionally
find yourself in a situation where some essential piece of information is
missing and you mutter, “Dang it, now what?” On the other hand, if you’re anything like this
week’s guest, you don’t moan about it, you fix it. Such is the case with
Kathryn Starke, elementary school literacy specialist, children’s author and
the founder/CEO of Creative Minds Publications and Consulting, an advocate for
quality literacy instruction for all children. A graduate of Longwood
University in Virginia with degrees in elementary education, literacy and
culture, Kathryn is a freelance writer and public speaker. Check her out in the
following places: www.creativemindspublications.com,
and www.pinterest.com/kathrynstarke. Welcome to Book Blather, Kathryn.

have taught in public school systems for eleven years as a first, second, and
third grade teacher as well as a literacy specialist at the elementary school
level. Having spent a decade in Title I and inner city schools, I work with
students each year from a variety of backgrounds and wide range of reading
levels. The priority role in my position is to provide my students with
engaging and educational children's literature that motivates them to read and
learn. I was teaching first grade and planning a geography unit for my class
when I realized there were no developmentally appropriate stories to teach the
seven continents. Yes, I could find seven different nonfiction books, but they
were strictly informational and much too advanced for six-year-olds. For my
introductory lesson, I pulled down the world map in my classroom, gathered the
children on the front rug, and told them the story of Amy's Travels.
friend Amy grew up on five continents since her father worked for the Embassy;
her childhood memories provided a story and lesson that would stick with my
students. Once I saw both the interest and intrigue my students expressed, I
decided this book should be written and published for all children and teachers
in my home state of Virginia. Thankfully, I connected with a publisher in
Richmond that helped with the packaging and publishing of Amy's Travels while
my illustrators used photographs and images from the real life Amy to add
illustrations to match the text. I started Creative Minds Publications, a
global educational company, to publish and market this social studies resource
to schools around the Commonwealth and nation.
Amy's Travels is a multicultural children's
book that teaches the culture, diversity, and geography of our world through
the eyes of a young girl. This book, the first children's picture book to teach
all seven continents, has been released in its second edition this year and is
a recommended title by the California State Board of Education. Complete with
lesson plans and a comprehensive book guide, Amy's Travels is used today in
homes and schools throughout the nation and on six continents.
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