1. Do you have a blurb for your new release, Desperate Measures?
What should have been the perfect vacation soon becomes a nightmare. Caitlin Martel has no idea that a forgotten secret is about to explode and put her life in jeopardy. The suspense escalates through twists, turns, and family secrets yet to be revealed. A powerful climax unveils an unlikely alliance between two deadly and dangerous enemies.
Your background as a trained scientist is unique.
My scientific background isn’t as unique as it seems. There are several well-known authors with impressive scientific careers. To name a few, Tess Gerritsen, Robin Cook, and Michael Palmer are all medical doctors. I’m not saying I am anywhere in their league as best-selling authors but can hope someday I will be.
Have you always wanted to be a writer?
Honestly, I have always had a dream to become a writer since I love to read. I read so many books and complain each time I find an error; rushed ending, lack of character development or too many characters thrown at the reader at once, time frame discrepancies, etc. In high school, I was placed in the honors English and literature classes, but focused on science as a curriculum in college. I’m still amazed that my dream has come true. Seeing those magic words, Contract Offer and my name on the cover of Desperate Measures was overwhelming. I truly appreciate the fantastic reviews (all five stars) and complimentary e-mails I have received so far.
Can you give us some insight into your main character Caitlin Martel? Is there a bit of Cindy Cromer in Caitlin?
I developed Caitlin utilizing my scientific and executive experience. Yes, there might be a touch of Cindy Cromer in her character and personality but that is where the parallels of Cindy the author and Caitlin the character diverge. Thankfully, I don’t have the wacky secret hiding family Caitlin does. I had to make Caitlin more interesting somehow, didn’t I?
Were there any aspects you found hard to write?
No, not really, other than bouts of writer’s block. Developing the characters and tying them all together in the suspenseful plot was a lot of fun.
Are you working on a new project?
I am currently putting the finishing touches and edits to my second book, Desperate Deceptions. It could be considered a sequel, but I have written it as a stand-alone and the reader won’t be lost if they haven’t read Desperate Measures. Of course, my goal is to propel the sales of my first book and make the reader want to read both. I have a third and fourth book in rough draft format, completely different from the first two. They are mysteries, but totally different characters and plots. Eventually, I’d like to get back to a few of the characters I created in Desperate Measures, namely Tomas and Barry Solerno who became my favorite character.
Do you have a writing tip for aspiring writers?
Be prepared for rejection. Sometimes it’s brutal. Don’t give up. Be persistent. Grow thick skin and don’t be offended. Embrace each criticism and rejection as an opportunity to grow.
Where can we buy your book?
Desperate Measures is available at www.etreasurespublishing.com
under top sellers, soon available at Amazon and B&N, in all e-book
formats at this time. It will be in print at the end of September 2011. Please visit me at: Cindy's Writing Studio www.cindyhuefnercromer.com
First 5 chapters posted at: http://cheaplit.com/sample/77150/desperate-measures
Thank you for this opportunity for this interview. Readers, please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have further questions or comments/reviews regarding my debut novel, Desperate Measures. I hope you enjoy the book and will keep you apprised of the release of my future books.
Thanks so much for joining us, Cindy. Much luck in the future!