Saturday, September 19, 2020

Life Goes On

Blog Post – September 2020


“Reading is the key that opens doors to many good things in life. Reading shaped my dreams, and more reading helped me make my dreams come true.” ---Ruth Bader Ginsberg


We find ourselves in a new, strange environment where words like pandemic, quarantine, fire, smoke and ash now impact our daily existence. I reached out on Facebook, asking people how they are coping with their daily lives. Some are authors, many are longtime personal or cyber friends. Here are the results.


Author Skye Taylor,, says, “Personally, as a writer, I am struggling with a whole new way of writing. Up to now I've written character driven stories. Even when I knew the stakes and even the ending, I had no outline and was happy writing that way. But then I chose to try writing a mystery. So, now I need to know who did it, why, how and when.  I need to plot out when the hints will be revealed to the reader and/or my sleuth. So, I struggle with the progress on book two in this new series. It has not helped that I had a family crisis going on and have been distracted by that as well.”

Author Cathy Perkins, www.cperkinswrites: “Staying inside since the air is rated "unhealthy" here. I'm working on Book 2 in a new series and making short dashes to the garden to gather the day's produce. Okay, I'm also working on fused glass pieces.”

Writer Margery Walshaw, keeps it simple. “Writing, yoga, repeat.”


Dawn Lavella Miller adopted a large, rambunctious puppy and is “now recovering from a complex elbow tendon injury from said puppy.”


Sylvia Eisenlord – “Missing my mom and our chats.” 

Longtime friend, Liz Angland – “Just moved into an apartment. Lying on my bed surrounded by BOXES! Twice as much stuff as I have room for!! A rest is required, but in 1/2 hour my dinner will be brought to my door! The menu tonight is lasagna and Caesar salad (that I don’t have to cook or do dishes). I have plenty to distract me from our awful reality by opening boxes, being surprised what’s inside, and finding the right spot for each thing!”


Author Erin Lale, is going through a rough patch. “I'm overwhelmed with the work of trying to handle the life of a friend who is in the hospital dying of Covid.”


Elaine Donahue is “Sewing, making apple sauce and reading a little, ordering food and picking it up, trying not to go outside except to water my plants and mail.”


Helen Charlot – Wants to “Get out of this lousy smoke! I'm going to Utah on an off-road vehicle trip.”                                                                           

As for me, I’m looking forward to the release of my new cozy mystery, A Woman Scorned, on October 6th.



 Until next time, hang in there and read good books!